We need to colonize Mars!!! Yeah I said it, I'm on this bandwagon. Terraforming is the way to go to. We still have about another 200-300 years to go, but let's start now!
Before I get into Terrarforming, let me just tell you I haven't been interested in the Mars stuff yet until I start reading up on how NASA has almost found recent evidence of this planet once containing water. They found slopes and canyons that have looked as if water has run through them. Currently in the status of Mar's atmosphere water could not be currently sustained in large quantities because certain points in Mar's terraformation there are at extreme temperatures beyond freezingly cold. NASA has found frozen water on hop of high altitude surfaces and expect to see more evidence of of water aided gullies in the upcoming months.
The full story you can find here: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/MRO/news/mro20110804.html
What is the significance of this you might ask yourself? Well I'll tell you my spin on it and probably a few others. I read about the triology of movies that came out in the 1990s about how it would be possible to create basically another world on Mars.
We first have to get Mars spinning with different rotation velocity to affect the seasons and predictable climate. Some people have suggested hitting Mars with lasers, or firing projectile asteroids at it to get it to start moving a bit. I vote for firing projectiles at it, because I think that would be sweeeeeet. And make it possible to create lakes and water formations because the closer you get to the planet's core, the hotter the temperature will be. Thus flowing water, potentially.
Apart from the sweetness of this, I would probably suggest with the creating a living organism to dominate the Red Planet and make it GREEN ^^. We have the technology, we just need more time. I believe this would be the best idea possible. If we can create an organism that is sustainable in such harsh conditions and is able to replicate and eventually spread throughout the world, we just need to make sure this created being loves putting oxygen into the atmosphere. That's what I'm talking about! A new world has many endless opportunities that were not previously possible on this planet. This new set of plant life could inhabit the planet for a while, making it more sustainable for life as we know it on Earth. Although we would need to set up things rather in a hurry. If we started to terraform this planet in such a rapid fashion, it may change orbital patterns, interfering in some other astronomical operations that may be going on. But think of the endless meaning of this accomplishment? If we learn how to build onto different planets or moons, we have potential to actually further colonize this astronomically big universe. A whole engineering field could be dedicated to creating planets to sustain life.
But on another note, each and everybody has a universe inside them. All the tiny particles inside you are just working together but could disappear at any second. What's to say we aren't just part of something much bigger and we are the tiny things inside "ourselves"? Anyways..
You have my vote NASA, send us to Mars. We want to go, just like the professor says;
Thanks for reading, any suggestions on topics you would like to see? Feel free to comment.
Once again I do not own any of the photos posted in this blog.