Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Teaching Overseas - The Connection

Ever thought of moving to a new and exciting country? Exploring the jungle or climbing a steep mountain to get a feel for a new culture? Well you are not alone. There are many opportunities for students and volunteers to gain access to teaching positions across the entire world!

If you have ever thought about enjoying another culture while spreading the wealth of knowledge, I encourage you to do so before you are 30. I believe 30 is about the age where you start to really think about settling down. So why not take the chance and live somewhere exotic? Teach some less fortunate kids to read, learn English, study history, or even how to do simple mathematics  You can do this all while gaining valuable globally cultural knowledge. 

Here is a link of a few places that can get you started (Americans):

This link has teaching positions ranging from scholarship programs to volunteering options. Most of the time you will get paid in some manner for what you are doing, and nevertheless if you do not, your teaching experience will be a valuable assets to add to your resume when you get back. 

One thing here is that you have to be motivated to accept new ideas and motivated to teach new ideas while being culturally patient in the process. Where you could end up going may never have heard of any of your traditions or daily habits. You may be forced to live like the people of the region and ad hear to their respective bounds. But in doing so, you are really challenging your views of the world and how we all function in this complex global society. 

This teaching experience will really change your life. You will be more flexible in more situations you might not have been previously. You will learn to step into other people's shoes easier. You will ultimately have a new outlook on life and will want to share all of your experiences and keep on gaining new and more compelling experiences out of life. Once you start traveling, you cannot stop. Learning to live in different cultures is one of the most rewarding things you can do as a human in my mind. Integrating with another society is just the tip of the iceberg for really truly understanding a little bit more of this world. 

I believe in the power of knowledge and all things that come with it. Knowledge is power and we need to keep our race afloat. Teaching children and adults alike helps us stay connected with one another and fuels our global economy to strive for something better for us all. Without this "connectedness", we will all be doomed to fight and die over silly things such as religion and government procedure. Take a walk in someone else's shoes and really think about how they view the world compared to you. Of course not everyone will get to have this experience, so take it while you can and help bring this world a little closer together. 

Here are some more links to programs if you are interested (Everyone):

Stay safe and have fun! =]

Once again I do not own any of the photos in this post. 

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